September the 22nd is the international car-free day. This is why the sports brand Nike decided to promote their new running shoes. There tools were simple, some cardboard cut-outs and a couple of papers looking like fines. On hundreds of cars around the city of Prague, they placed cardboard's looking like running shoes on the tires. They stuck the note on the window, just like the police does. The message of Nike was simple: Run on air. I like this particular stunt because it's so simple and still very clever. Not only did they promote their sport shoe, they also had a little environmental statement hidden in their message. Car's run on gas, which is bad for the environment, while air is everywhere and causes no harm what so ever. Maybe they even tried to make an health related statement, after all, running is far better than driving.
For me, this is what Guerrilla marketing is all about. It doesn't cost a lot, it makes people laugh and it's something people like to tell their friends. I do have a lot of stunts which I'm going to discuss in the next few weeks, but I started with this one because I really believe that this is the essence of Guerrilla marketing.
The last thing I'm going to say about this stunt, is that I think Nike is doing a great job rebuilding it's image. They had to deal with a lot of negative publicity when it became know that their shoes where made by use of child labor. Their image was destroyed, and I think stunts like this make people forget the bad things the company has done in the past.
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